Describing meeting Elvis in 1957, songwriter Jerry Leiber (who co-wrote "Hound Dog") said this about the new Star:
Elvis appeared at The Atlanta Fox (then a first-run Picture Palace) on March 14th and 15th, 1956, photo courtesy Janice McDonald.
The advertisements:
The advance write-up:
Elvis with the fan mail, 1956:
Less than three months after Elvis played The Fox, he returned to town (on June 22nd, 1956) to play The Paramount , located downtown next to the Loew's Grand.
The Paramount was the first Atlanta Movie Palace to be demolished, shown here after the final curtain in July, 1960.
To read more at Scotty's Moore's website, click here. Moore was Elvis' guitarist, and he passed away in 2016.
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Copyright Bob Foreman, November, 2017.
Copyright Bob Foreman, November, 2017.